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accredited representative中文

用"accredited representative"造句"accredited representative" in a sentence"accredited representative"怎麼讀


  • 被委任的代表, 授權代理人
  • 授權的代表


  • Article 5 the license bureau and the local accredited representatives ' offices under the ministry of commerce ( hereinafter referred to as each accredited representatives ' office ) and the commerce offices or bureaus and the commissions , offices or bureaus of foreign trade and economic cooperation of all the provinces , autonomous regions , municipalities directly under the central government , cities directly under state planning , and other provincial capital cities authorized by the ministry of commerce shall be the export license issuing agencies , and shall , under the uniform control of the license bureau , be responsible for the work of issuance of licenses within their respective authorized scopes
    第五條許可證局及商務部駐各地特派員辦事處(以下簡稱各特辦)和各省、自治區、直轄市、計劃單列市以及商務部授權的其他省會城市商務廳(局) 、外經貿委(廳、局) (以下簡稱各地方發證機構)為出口許可證發證機構,在許可證局統一管理下,負責授權范圍內的發證工作。
用"accredited representative"造句  


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